Family Fun Day & Working Bee
At Quadric we have always been blessed with staff that are willing to go the extra mile to make us great. We regularly have requests from staff wanting to volunteer their time to improve their workplace so that it keeps in the condition that we all want to work in.
Continual evolution of this sort is in our blood and to acknowledge and give appreciation to those who have cared over the years, we decided to formalise the process with a Family Fun Day and Working Bee we called ‘Join in’.
Held on Saturday 4th of November, it involved joinery, furniture, painting, corking, cleaning, organising, gardening, filing, recycling, and a bit of fun for the whole family.
The result was a feel-good experience that is more valuable to us as a team than just the number of hours put in……and we also get a nice work environment to go with it.
The refreshing appeal of paperless desks and shiny new workbenches, cannot be underestimated for the health!
A big thank you to those involved on the day including staff, family, friends, and subcontractors who donated their time not just on this day, but often over the years.