In 2024 Quadric is privileged to recognize and honour the many years of service of our long-term team members.  Congratulations to these amazing peop ...
At Quadric, we have the attitude that nothing is impossible.  We see it as our role to make ideas a tangible reality.  Whether it is a client-led op ...
The first sod has been turned for a more than $10 million package of works at Longreach Hospital that will deliver a new renal dialysis unit for the C ...
The St Peters Lutheran College Robotics Team have returned from the National FTC Robotics competition in high spirits. FTC (First Tech Challenge) team ...
Congratulations to Quadric Project Manager Diego Navarro for graduating his Masters in Project Management (Professional) with the highest overall GPA ...
Calling enthusiastic people to commence apprenticeships and be part of a in a once-in-a-lifetime project creating a multi-day hiking track on Whitsund ...
Quadric celebrated Christmas this year with a session of Axe Throwing at Lumper Punks in West End. Although some took to the skill faster than others, ...
  QUADRIC welcomes Project Manager Rob Brown. Hailing originally from the UK, with over 30 years in the trade, Rob has moved through the ranks fr ...
Quadric has broken ground our latest project in the prison precinct. This $6.5M secure duplex is a stand-alone facility. With bulk excavation, in grou ...
  Browse our capability statement for 2023.  Or download a copy here:  Quadric Capability Statement 2023 low res Quadric are a multidisciplinar ...
Quadric celebrates the work life of Steve Smythe who retired in December.  The big man with the big heart commenced at Quadric in 2008 as a Maintenan ...
Quarter 4 of 2022 was buoyant with customers moving forward on projects in a wide range of sectors of the economy.  The ability to take on projects f ...