Constructed over 2 levels of a heritage Woolstore, BCM were looking for a fresh take on their existing offices to meeting the needs of their dynamic, ...
This warm and well-considered workspace, truly encapsulates the ethos of it’s occupant.  The Dept of Environment and Resource Management employ ...
The existing 19th century building had previously been a nightclub and was converted according to plans. Our team also conducted significant repairs o ...
Origin required a large number of components for this project to transform their interior into an appealing and practical space. Quadric was in charge ...
This particular office refurbishment was the client’s third project with us in three years. Due to expanding numbers, this prestigious firm required ...
EOS Solutions is one of Australia’s leading providers of collaborative business solutions. They wanted to maintain their personality within the desi ...
For this project Quadric took on the role of Principal Contractor. As an award winning design firm, our client required a space to inspire and develop ...
What must be one of the highest polished offices in Ipswich required a new interior look to appeal to clients without losing practicality for staff. A ...
Quadric was involved in the office refurbishment and base building upgrade of Suncorp Plaza. The new owners, Amalgamated Property Group, wanted a new ...
As a fresh, young advertising firm, Junior wanted a playful and creative reception to be a reflection of their company. This required lasercut steelwo ...
This prominent mining company wanted an office fitout on five levels as well as refurbishments to foyers and bathrooms on seven levels. The new design ...
This project involved a large office fitout with an interconnecting staircase. The staircase has become a focal point of the building and was created ...